Wednesday, October 7, 2015

The Great (Inner) Struggle

When I was younger, I felt like our inner struggles were a metaphor for the struggles "out there", the big action packed ones we see on the screen. Like an inferior version of them, and don't really compare, and it's only a real struggle if it's physical and visual and superficial. It's only a real struggle if it's World War I, and that's important.

In my shift of valuing the internal more, I understand these big struggles we see on the screen only to reflect our inner turmoil. Indeed, most of us will never even get involved in some big awesome gunfight like we see on the screen, (and most of the time we do, we're just being posers and trying to imitate what we see on the screen), and yet we still have this obsession with creating those struggles on screen. These battles and big acts we see going on in the world are the inferior reflection of what we feel within. They are merely a symbol and expression of the struggle for meaning we feel within ourselves.

Let us not marginalize the internal just because it's not as tangible, "real". It shouldn't be belittled, as if petty, silly emo nonsense by comparison. It's a lot more real. It is our inner struggle which creates literal wars, through which we get a sense of escape from the inner discontent, not the other way around. Frustrations build up and build up until, inevitably, war erupts as an outlet, and it is through war that we get a sense of meaning and hope that we may escape our troubles.

The struggle of life, what basic human validation means, the ego games we play, loneliness and the meaning of love is far grander and more profound & meaningful then anything you could make a movie about or begin to fantasize about.

"Have a Nice Life"

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