Wednesday, September 23, 2015

What Makes You Like a Person?

People will like you, but will not understand what it is that makes them like you, what traits and qualities. What they might say to justify it is generally a poor understanding of themselves, and a superficial interpretation. They don't know what qualities makes a person truly valuable.

This opens up the way for people to really like a person while simultaneously speaking scathingly against the very values that person stands for most and is all about. Sometimes they will even do this in an attempt to impress that person, to make them think they are 'cool', only to disturb them.

Of course, there's plenty of (mostly?) faux-respect we have for each other, based on manipulations, instincts, intimidation. For example, the way people are impressed by aggressiveness, or will obsess over someone who ignores them, or drawn towards someone who can provide them with rub-off status or power. This is not true good respect about a person however.

As for why often times people with good qualities are disrespected anyways? I'm not really sure, but I suppose it's sort of the inverse of the above faux-respect. Like someone who you feel will tarnish your own status with their own 'loser' status, so you are compelled to ridicule them to gain power, and the value they have is not readily apparent or expressed enough to overcome such instincts.

one way or another, we don't know what has value.

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