Thursday, April 9, 2015

Freedom and Slavery

The realization, over the past few years, that I am stuck in a world with a bunch of animals, constantly lost yet all in power, and there is no fairy godmother that is going to make everything all right. Oddly liberating, in a way..


What people mostly take for granted turns out to be lies. Discussions you see going on often reflect the attempt by people to control and manipulate each other, through guilt, fear, semantics of logic, and so on. It's not simply something perpetrated by the government, nor any other conspiracy cliche, but by the people. We create culture through whoever comes out on top, and those who speak most arrogantly and power-hungerdly mainly win, and then lie, create the image of the "norm", make themselves the winners, and the rest are unheard, becoming basically unknown and considered non-existent, and wrong, and we are afraid to question what is taken for granted because it is taken for granted.... conformity is a severely powerful force, for some reason our minds always desperately try to synchronize with the sum of influence around us.

Our brains are incapable of understanding the truth, we see little small aspects of understanding, we get lost in anxieties and a monster of different subconscious things, and as a result form attachments to false things which should be obviously false to us, like particular religious dogma or politics or social movements, in an attempt to maintain our sanity, mimicking like apes. We channel anxiety into careers and sham marriages as a way of creating false hope, and do not have the courage to question ourselves. We are hypnotized by stupid little memes and products we see, thinking that they are important because of false reasons like popularity, worse still is the way we are hypnotized by the images of body, money, and other forms of status and power that we are in competition for. We mass stigmatize vulnerabilities of very touchy things in ourselves so that we are unable to confront real problems, and carry anxieties from them over into other things which we blindly feud about. In such feuds we get lost in manipulations of logic by the rule structures we set up for ourselves and severely confuse ourselves until we can't even think straight. We idolize all sorts of lifestyles as a dead-end way of trying to escape and hope for something new. We look for guilt or mistakes in others often as a way of just taking our attention off ourselves and our own problems, so that we can feel good about judging another. We get high on this, and some people live out entire portions of their life in such a mind frame. We see our personal talents or even superficialities like beauty, and through them convince ourselves that our life has special meaning that will result in something special happening, or we just get high on the ego sense we get from that, too. We adopt ideologies for ourselves merely as a way of trying to prove ourselves to others over arguments in our heads. We believe what we are shown and told by people who intimidate us and our vulnerabilities, and so repress understandings about ourselves, within ourselves, and as a result misinterpret situations constantly. We get hung up on stupid little things in our heads and obsessively fester over them, because anxiety pushes us to and we do not have the mental presence to direct ourselves otherwise, and then we deny that such things are happening, even to ourselves, because of false images of human nature that are pushed with intimidation in society. We are hopelessly unable to admit that we behave in all these ways, desperately wanting to believe that our mind is functioning in a godly way, not like that of a severely lost and influence-subjugated animal. We believe ourselves as humans to be special gods of the universe that understand things with perfect logic and reason, when really we are just imitating what we've seen handed around in different places. We imagine ourselves to think freely or radically while secretly operating on the principle that might and conformity makes right. This colors our perceptions of what we stigmatize and demonize and attach guilt to, which turns out to more often be far more based on conformity and social constructs, what is accepted and taken for granted and in popular usage, rather than anything else. Even when paradigms shift and the former criminals become the new heroes, (or vice versa) we believe that we have made a legitimate meaningful change of mind, when really we are just continuing to conform under social pressure and existing power structure. We get hung up on guilts and fears and end up projecting them onto others and letting such things control all our actions.


We're just a bunch of primitive animals, a bunch of scared children shooting in the dark, and no one is looking out for us.

No more lies. I want the truth, no matter what it is.

"Blood I - American Burqa"

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