Friday, April 24, 2015

Exactly What I Wanted

There are those moments of realizing just how much resistance there is to various opinions of mine, or how alone I am in such ideas, and the fear and intimidation that results.. making me feel more feeble in my opinion. Questioning myself, backtracking..

In these moments of doubt I realize just how psychologically weak and susceptible we as humans really are.

But then I remember that this is kind of the beauty in it, this ability to have my own ideas, and be unique, think for myself, rebel, etc. This is where it comes into practice for real. And if there wasn't resistance then such a sense would only be false.. it would only be a bullshit rebellion, an image. Like the ones we so often carry, the ones which are sold to us everyday on TV. Which is a very worthless and hollow thing. The fact that people resist my ideas confirms their novelty. And with this thought, strength comes back to me.

Of course, I would have it that everyone accepted me entirely, and we could all be in agreement, but given that what we have is not working, I need the assurance that what I am doing is something different, something novel and originating from my self.

Common consensus could be seen as a powerful proving force for ideas..
But I think just the opposite is true.
Those ideas which people have, in painful resistance to everyone else, but which they nevertheless still cannot relinquish, are obviously based on something very strong, in order to survive so much..

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