Sunday, December 20, 2015


Try to think, without words.
What is happening? Inside your mind.

Now try to think without the formal constructs of what is known as 'reason' and 'logic', too.
Just pure feeling, or intuitive intelligence.

Now attempt to disregard all outside influence, from all peers, teachers, from the philosophies of our culture, their social movements, governments, your own religious or spiritual ideologies, yes, everything, including any ideals some stoners have about consciousness, the universe, the nature of self, etc, anything you've been taught by music, or a movie, or show, all our behavioral training, everything, try to force out and purge yourself of all worldly influence.

Everything you have been pushed into feeling too embarrassed to admit you feel (let alone say), everything that seems too crazy to entertain thoughts about, everything that has been demonized or stigmatized in your mind, forget about all of that, purge all of that out too. Mentally fast and detoxify.

What is left? What do you believe? What are you? Who do you really want to be?

I enjoy going into the shower, kind of crouching and curling up, putting my head down and letting the warm water wash over me. Closing my eyes and just contemplating these thoughts. Or when lying in bed at night, trying to fall asleep. It seems to work best for me in those moments, and then I drift.

"(SORI XIV) Everywhere Light"

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