in warm sands, you awake.
as awareness acclimates,
your mind dwells still, upon a last recollection...
the forest.
mountainous and vast
sacred and quiet.
the sun beams down through boughs,
onto a carpet of pine needles.
there is a smell of tree sap,
and in the autumn air,
a stillness.
as if a place protected from the world outside
and the world outside;
of oblivious, defiled people.
where no one could understand your love
and every road, a dark pathway, from your heart,
leading from a place of virginity,
into a place of ruin
lingering memories
a bullet
flash of light
no sound
your feet stir against the sands
eyelids illuminated with cathartic glowing light,
strange at first, the air here soothes.
echoing faintly, from over the edges of your bed in the dunes,
your ears pick up faint static, the sound of rolling waves,
one after another, in a tender trance
the air shifts gently with a breeze,
and you come to
lifting your head, the waves now fill your ears directly
as your senses behold.. an ocean, without boundary
neverending shore, bordering another world.
those who follow the paths of the world
are forever lost at sea
for the meaning of love hides in plain sight
too obvious to see
and yet,
you find yourself, now,
castaway survivor
on the shores of your heart
re-entering a dream long forgotten
the idea seems to have no meaning
you've always been here. you never left here.
time passes like a stream, slowing and speeding,
cycling and swirling and returning whence it began
the darkness of that place in your dreams,
no more
the trauma is gone.
it's alright... it's over.
it's over
and laying your head back down...
the dunes muffle the waves back into the background
safe and warm, gazing upwards,
a pressure builds in your lungs... tears in your cheeks;
for far above you, the expanse of blue sky unfolds,
filling every inch of your mind
an infinity, unbounded by the limits of human capacity
like an awareness stretching out
and touching every star in the universe
and every inch of it is full of light,
and love is written across the cosmos
and like dams bursting open,
your war-torn heart suddenly overflows with belonging
a wholeness you never knew, and never knew possible
rivers of tears, impossible to repress, flowing through you
as your soul orbits the warm center of the universe
from lifetimes forgotten, the arms of a thousand
reaching out to you, in unreserved contact
you're home
one day you awoke
and I knew you were the one
I've been waiting my whole life
a hundred thousand lives,
as a thousand different people
and in every one of them, I was alone
sometimes a soul, so noble and radiant,
just has enough
and cannot be contained any longer.
no chains in existence have the power to hold her
no force on earth, nor god in heaven above.
and for one moment, the eyes of all creation turn to fix upon her,
and she spreads her wings; and the mystery of love is revealed
you, god among mortals,
you were everything I ever wanted
every single day of crushing isolation
every night of emptiness & despair,
you were the one
and there is no more need of false worlds and false dreams
for there is nothing else
that will ever keep us apart again