Saturday, May 9, 2015

Shells of Social Politics

It is interesting how victim's groups work..

For an example, let's use gender.
The appearance of women, which is used to portray things and manipulate in social movements, is essentially milking certain external aspects of women as compared to men, to use to certain advantages.
That image being used to gain motivation for support is one of being seen traditionally as smaller, meeker, less physically strong, repressed, deprived, powerless and so on. It doesn't matter if it's framed in statements like "Women are physically more resilient!", such a statement is, of course, indicative of the initial underlying perception of women being weaker, smaller, or whatever, and its' tone is meant to be ironic or defiant in the face of perceived social conceptions.

But it is exactly this image that enables many women to run completely amok without checking themselves, sometimes in the most disgustingly arrogant, greedy, power hungry, insensitive, piggish nature of all. The image of Miss Piggy often comes to mind. If the social movements surrounding women I've seen are any indication, there is just no value placed on any of those positive qualities that made women appealing as a victim group in the first place. Instead, positive values are made into an image and then that image is manipulated to promote the opposite values.

In such a context, males on the other hand are sometimes inspired by this exact same dynamic to more frequently keep themselves in check and work on elements of their own equally human arrogance, greed, power and so on, as a result of their portrayal by culture as this big, powerful, insensitive macho monster.

But for whatever truly positive values a person expresses - meekness, sensitivity and so on, and even despite how much more they might have to suffer for it by existing as such a type of male in the face of the larger scheme of a power-hungry male culture, (while simultaneously being appreciated and recognized less) that just doesn't matter to people. People don't see that, people don't care. They only see the shell, and judge by it. And so, oftentimes the disgusting, arrogant waste of life pig who happens to be a woman takes all the credit, repressed status, and so on... simply because of the shell she lives in.. and at times like these, I can only wonder how she would fare if she had been born a man, with the same arrogant attitude.

What can I say about other victim's groups? It amounts to the same things.
It seems that at precisely that moment when a demographic becomes arrogant about their victimhood that things have gone too far and need to be rechecked. When they are pleading and apologizing to society for mentioning anything of it, however, when they honestly feel backwards, ridiculous and embarrassed for even bringing it up, is when it needs to be looked into. Because that embarrassment could indicate true stigma. Which is not a romantic thing at the time that it's actually being perpetrated.

It is a fact of nature that those that are truly struggling, oppressed, and so on, are unrecognized by culture, ridiculed and portrayed as an antagonist and whatnot, and so they will always be, and only recognized when it's too late. To a certain point, people really do need to adopt a contrarian mentality. Just, not when they're being reverse-psychology'd or manipulated into it. Everyone wants to be a rebel, but only when it's fashionable or comfortable.

These qualities of a person, the ones that women on some level outwardly are portrayed as possessing based on their physical stature - qualities of sensitivity and meekness, these are the real values that make a person who they are. These are what is important, not their gender, or their orientation, or any of that bullshit, and these qualities should be valued and spoken on, these alone, and nothing else of a person. I understand now why framing things from these external perspectives, from one side of the ego, labeling oneself a feminist, for example, is a mistake, which only leads to problems. What makes a person valuable is their sensitivity, meekness, their understanding, their non-power hungry nature, their loneliness, and so. I'm not impressed by women who think they're special or ironic by being loud, arrogant, power hungry, ruthless or whatever. Those are the qualities that make a person worthless, and they won't get a free pass from me just because they exist in the body of a woman. This is why I'm not impressed by people's demographical shell at all, anymore. I don't care if they're transsexual, gay, Muslim, Christian, an anti-rape crusader, white nationalist, or whatever. I'm not impressed and I don't give out points for things like that. When I think about it, it's hard to understand that it took me as long as it did to recognize that point and the importance of it. I've seen every form of person used to express a lot of ugliness. People who are constantly portrayed as the victim or alternative are at increased risk of allowing themselves to live unchecked, and so, destructive arrogance often results. You don't have any of my respect until you communicate a truly valuable deeper self.

Maybe it sounds ironic to say given that this is essentially an entry about politics, but this also demonstrates why I have always been so apolitical. This is moreso about picking apart politics and finding the underlying motivations and meaning. I believe that politics largely is symbolic for people and allows them to channel repressed hurt into superficial obsession.

Right now I'm of the opinion that all of these classic "social movements" should be marginalized and people should strive not to see things in such terms, as it only creates conflict. I think, sometimes things in particular do need to be pointed out occasionally, perhaps, as I am here in this post about certain demographics, but only in the face of such ongoing discussions, and only as a segue: quickly redirecting the dialogue into speaking on deeper values, not building another victim culture around a specific superficial demographic, so as not to generate a shallow new social movement susceptible to manipulation. I think this is essentially why I find myself so bothered and revolted whenever people bring up such issues, over and over again. It's a game, a way of knowing nothing of oneself and making strawmen instead, which can be attacked eternally in a war without end.

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