Thursday, November 16, 2017

Dreaming on the Beach

The ocean waves roll in
One after another, in a never ending current
One after another, all through the night
The crashing of a hundred million drops, like static, as though a trance,
As though a ritual.

Ocean waters are deep, and full of mysteries
Cold, Unknown.
Like the feet of dirt above a mass grave
Concealing forgotten souls
Resting motionless

And above, the other
Great dark ocean
Extending beyond human imagination
Beyond the capacity to understand
 I know this is all in mind,
Yet whose mind could hold?

Everything is quiet except for the gently rolling waves
The smell of the beach, and the gentle warm breeze..

Here, I am lost, undiscovered and alone.
No one will ever know.
Yet the gentle warm breeze,
Reminds me I'm not alone.

Lying in sand molded to hold
Watching the galaxies above.

Grand, spiraling, swirling and growing.
Nebulas, blooming, becoming..
Witnessing ages pass before my eyes
Eons... and eons... my heart slows..

Eyes growing so heavy.. I can...


"Asleep on the Beach"

And then,

The cosmic dream unfurls before the soul

no direction
no duration
observed with heart alone

Dream of earth, long gone...
The presence of another resides here, now.
Channeling her song...

I can hear... feel?.. the faint melody, within.

..Such a strange concept, within.
Everywhere and nowhere, her song holds me.
Quiet moments of inspiration,
Sense of a spirit,
Her mind touches mine.

I have never really been alone

The only human contact that can ever really contact another soul
Is the expression of an inspiration
A shared meaning
Something you both feel
and know

Something known, like coming home

I have cried through childhood years
clutching an innocence I can't let go
Yet innocence resides someplace, stored up,
in the corner of a shed,
Forgotten since 1950,
In an eternal field, where green grass abounds,
Waiting to be re-found.

"Forgotten Summer"

I don't want to remember any of this,
When I'm gone.

Life was a distant dream
With faint echos of the love I lost when I was born
Into a wretched screaming mold of blood-covered flesh.

Yet this love, I've recalled...
On days of school, daydreaming, blue sky, clouds,
Rainy days, home, distant air raid sounds,
Autumn leaves, forest, hoodies, cold.....

I have never really been alone.

"Detroit VIII"

These memories I have
from the other place,
like the warm wind that rustles,
to remind me of the sands,
in which I still lie.