Wednesday, July 8, 2015

Not So Special Disorder

As they say, "everyone's got something". Everyone thinks they have a special 'disorder' or issue, and perceives this state as something more unique to them than it actually is.

What this really refects when you realize the ubiquity of this kind of mentality, is the fact that culture is so artificial and false. The nature of what we really experience and the way our minds actually operate is stigmatized to the point where we don't even dare to confront our selves.

So these vulnerabilities - the sense of significance we have for things, what hurts us, what upsets us, what we secretly have sensitivity towards - get intimidated first, and then repressed through that intimidation, and finally morphed and contorted into a complexity of other supposed shallow issues that we inevitably project the repressed anxiety onto.

And no one is in a position to fix the problem. The psychologists and therapists are just in league with the problem. They'd love for you to believe that your real problem is just addiction to cigarettes or "low self esteem" or "bipolar disorder".  The politicians are just in the game too, of people who channel all their anxiety into politics. Even the gurus and authors and preachers usually just end up in the business of selling shallow advice and capitalizing on social trends.

All anyone can do is confront their own self directly and learn the truth, to escape from being a false, manipulated pawn of culture. To be true. These problems are the inevitable result of power hungry culture; a lack of love; a lack of responsibility by all people to give validation. The misuse, collection and bastardization of love for power. As soon as that is broken, and excused, the intimidation, manipulation, rationalization, deception, distraction, repression, and all the other problems begin, and cannot be stopped.

Saturday, July 4, 2015

Morbid Fascination of Sexuality

It's funny how the psychology that drives sexuality (and everything that follows) turns everyone into everything they would otherwise  never want to be. It's this morbid fascination for humanity. It will turn you into a blithering dog of a creature while telling you that you are gaining value. And everything is rendered backwards according to it's own ideology.. it is very curious how it distorts the perception of everything so radically. It is exactly the reason for so much wrong and soullessness in the world, yet through the mentality of sexual egotism people are led to believe it offers salvation for everything.

A small example, let's take art or music.. it is exactly the sort of soulful inspiration quite apart from sexuality that gives it any and all meaning. These themes of things like having one's own personal world, uniqueness, individuality, personal value, the sense of belonging, or not belonging, or belonging to an outside group, alienation, sadness, anger, passion, depth of love, depth of self-understanding, sentiment, nostalgia, and so on, and it is exactly things like power hungry social dynamics that ultimately end up destroying the meaning that music had or could have. This concept of "selling out".. it's a wonder people don't realize how it's basically a parable for the mentality behind sexuality. And yet again and again, endlessly, we see stupid artists thinking that if they add more sexuality/related ego nature to their act, desperately, that they're making it "cooler". And time and again, before you know it, they're all washed up. They end up just seeking acceptance and power, and don't even realize that not only are they losing the meaning, (this underlying value, themes that drew people to them in the first place and gave them a sense of connection) but that this is the exact reason they're losing meaning. They end up seeking acceptance and power, social hierarchy, inclusion of themselves at the exclusion of others, superficiality, and nobody respects that, not on the deepest level, not really. It seems "cool", I guess, to them, at the time they're doing it. And yet, no matter what they claim, nor how "extreme" they go about it, manipulating the surface to portray themselves as special, they're just being weak, yielding to pressure, conforming, losing integrity, and they have nothing real to say, because they have lost sight of the foundation of value, in favor of power and ego.